Is it just me or are some people a little too abrasive about this whole voting thing? "Get out and do it!" "You MUST vote", or (my personal favorite) "I voted. Did you?" It feels like good, old-fashioned Catholic guilt. Some will even go as far as to say "the worst thing in the world you can do is NOT vote!" Really? The worst thing?
I get it. It's important to exercise our rights; to not take for granted the freedoms that our ancestors fought for. I plan on voting. But I can't help thinking that I wish there were some people who just wouldn't. I'm voting because I've educated myself on the candidates and the issues - not because society guilted me into making my way to the polls. Do I really want some idiot participating in our democracy when their only contribution to society is punching a hole through a ballot once a year? To be honest...not really. I realize that some, if not most, will strongly disagree with this statement. I realize that candidates tend to gear their campaigns towards the elderly so young people need to vote, it's our civic duty, and every other valid argument stating why it's so important. I also know from an economic standpoint it's a very expensive system and at the end of the day the "your vote could mean all the difference" statement is really only intended to be directed to the supreme court.
The clearer message, and what we should really get "abrasive" about, is how our country is educated about the elections. Voting should be exciting not an errand. And I certainly don't want to be threatened via commercials, facebook, or strangers on the street about what a horrible human being I am if I don't do it. Let's try for some positivity, unity and encouragement here folks. Most importantly, let's try to make sure we all know exactly what we're talking about before we step up to those boxes.By knowing the black, the white and the grey side to every story, every candidate, every decision - it ignites a passion that makes you want to get out and vote. It shouldn't feel like an obligation. It should feel like a freedom.
The following is a bit offensive but has some amazing points. The great George Carlin.
i like the way you think, katie killacky.
ReplyDeleteRather than putting so much effort behind the message to "Get Out the Vote", why not put those resources behind educating young people about the issues and candidates? Because I agree that I don't want a bunch of idiots who don't know anything about the issues voting just because P. Diddy told them to.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mike! And the p. diddy point.
ReplyDeleteI didn't vote today. I'm not proud of that fact, yet I'm not ashamed either. I didn't take the time to educate myself on the candidates and their platforms. Does that make me a bad American? Probably.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I have often had debates about which is worse: the uninformed voter or the non-voter. I, like you, Katie, agree that the uninformed voter is worse. The voter who goes into the booths and pushes the button because that's a name that can easily be pronounced, or because of gender, or based solely on political party regardless of the actual stances. Those are the people that shouldn't be voting.
Worst of all are the Americans that don't put their country first and make it a priority to take 30 minutes and read about the candidates in their areas and then go and vote. Yes, this includes myself. And now I do feel ashamed and guilty. :(
Ahhh ignited me on this one. Not because I disagree, but because I couldn't have said it better myself. Ignorance taints our elections. It's our civic duty and privilege as Americans to have influence on who controls our country and therefore our freedom. We should feel a responsibility to educate ourselves on candidates and put our voice out there. Taking advice from the celebrity trainwreck of the week doesn't qualify. Keep the good word coming sister! XOXO